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Aleksandar Sacha Djordjevic is a Serbian American VFX Supervisor, creative director, audiovisual artist & entrepreneur. Native of Belgrade and a resident of New York City & Amsterdam, his work in advertising, film and episodic has been recognized and won accolades across USA and EMEA regions.

Born with a profound passion for storytelling, Sacha’s artistic journey began at a very young age when he booted up his first computer, and picked up his first camera which happened roughly at the same time in late 80s. Thinking that something connecting these two seemingly unrelated worlds would be an interesting art form to explore, he forayed as a teenager into the universe of computer graphics revolution of the early 90s, and focused on it’s implementation in cinema and advertising.

He wrote, produced and designed several games under his, Covenant: Project Zero & Marbletron, and constatly explores new frontiers in real-time and interactive fields.